People ask me constantly, "But, what part does evolutionary teaching have to do with the study of this or that subject?" For example, how does evolution affect art or music? Well, of course it does ha..
Ridley Scott's blockbuster epic "Kingdom of Heaven" presents one of the worst distortions of history seen on any screen in recent years. Focusing on the fall of Jerusalem in AD1187, to Saladin's Musli..
As I write this, we have just celebrated our national Memorial Day holiday. I wonder how many who took the day off really know what Memorial Day is? What does it memorialize? What is its origin? Where..
Anyone who has read this series of columns for any length of time at all will know that I despair at the condition of the American education system today.
What most people do not remember, because it has been omitted from most American history textbooks, is that Marxism had been experimented with by Christians in America 250 years earlier and had been p..
God made man and gave him the mandates of dominion and stewardship over the earth. Today, environmental terrorists are attempting to convince everyone that unless we abandon our cars and stop further ..
Every year various TV channels will air the play made into a film Inherit the Wind. Although it is presented as a fictionalized documentary-drama it is anything but that. It is a highly biased and lib..
I have sensed for some time that even those people who support missionaries and believe in what they are doing, may not truly have a full vision of what a missionary is all about. Likewise, I have fou..
The Olympic Games are thought to be some great international event to foster peace, good sportsmanship and the highest ideals of athletic competition. They are also known for generating conflict, chea..
The popular misconceptions about the crusades are that these were aggressive wars of expansion fought by religious fanatics in order to evict Muslims from their homeland, and force conversions to Chri..