
What is wrong with Deistic and Theistic evolution

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Today we have deists and theists proclaiming to the world that God exists because the evidence is overwhelming that there is a Designer God who made the universe and all the things in it. There is a p..


What is wrong with the Green Movement?

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The Green New Dealers claim that “clean” solar and wind power will replace fossil fuels and prevent what does not exist = Manmade Global Warming. The problem is that these sources of energy pollute fa..


What is wrong with the Olympic Games

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The Olympic Games are thought to be some great international event to foster peace, good sportsmanship and the highest ideals of athletic competition. They are also known for generating conflict, chea..


What were the Crusades all about?

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The popular misconceptions about the crusades are that these were aggressive wars of expansion fought by religious fanatics in order to evict Muslims from their homeland, and force conversions to Chri..


Whether Thomas Jefferson was a deist or a theist

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Many very revisionist historians currently writing our public school textbooks make Thomas Jefferson, one of our Founding Fathers, out to be a mere deist; one who believes that some one started life a..


Worldviews in Natural History

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How did the “historical sciences” gain such prominence? It can be traced to the Western conversion to the worldview of naturalism, combined with Christian blindness and apathy.

Showing 101 to 106 of 106 (11 Pages)