
Christ is Risen Indeed! - Evidence for the Resurrection

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The Resurrection of Jesus Christ is vitally important because it demonstrates Christ’s victory over death, it gives hope to all mankind, it shows that eternal life is available to believers, it points..


Concepts of Art Expressed Through Scripture, Evangelism, and Practical Applications

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The need for a Christian worldview of art is great. Christian artists have to be able to answer questions like the following. How do I affect the world for Christ and not lose sight of Him? Do I even ..


Concerning significance, value and purpose of human life

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If evolution is true then there is no purpose to human life. If evolution is true, then the result is that life is merely filled from the start with pain, suffering and death, nothing more. Man would ..


Cosmology, Cosmogony and Originology

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When we discuss science and the question of origins we use two words that are often misunderstood and therefore are often misused. These words are cosmology and cosmogony.


Creation ex nihilo

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An essential Christian doctrine is that of Creation ex nihilo, Latin for “creation out of nothing”. This doctrine stipulates that time, space, and matter are not eternal but had to be created by the d..


Dating of the Val'kumei Coastal-Marine Placer (East Siberian Sea)

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This work is an attempt to determine the real time of formation of coastal-marine placers based on the modeling of placer-forming processes, present-day rates of lithodynamic processes, and recent par..


Debunking the Flat Earth Teaching

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I find it incomprehensible that anyone would believe that the Earth is flat. Yet in recent months people of good and bad intentions, including church members and pastors, have somehow or another been ..


Do Numbers Count?

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Numbers - we all use them everyday. We use them in so many different ways. All too often, we are mesmerized by them. Numbers, however, are like technology, they are neutral; they are neither good nor ..


Evolution is a Religion!

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The unsubstantiated, unfounded and unprovable theories of evolution are believed by ardent followers whose faith would make the faith of most Christians pale by comparison. Evolutionists believe in ev..


Fake News Yields Fake Science!

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We are all too familiar with the term Fake News. Sometimes it is hard to tell the difference at first, but facts are stubborn and immutable things. Therefore, news is often corrected, at least by hone..

Showing 11 to 20 of 106 (11 Pages)