Racism has affected the world for thousands of years. Why? What is it that makes one man think he is better than another? Most people assume that racism only deals with color of skin, but it goes way ..
Every month for years I have wanted to just report some of the current scientific findings that are being published by evolutionists and that would be of interest to us all. These findings illustrate ..
Paleohydrodynamic parameters and transportation mechanisms of debris were modeled with the help of different methods used in geoengineering computations. The calculations showed that the rocks under i..
Analysis of the paleohydrodynamic characteristics of sedimentation environments allowed us to reconstruct formation conditions of the Cambrian–Ordovician sandstone sequence (COS) in the Leningrad dist..
I read the following article singing accolades to Dr. Richard Dawkins, "the face of a new crusading atheism”, and immediately realized that one of his well-known attempts to disprove God's existence i..
But let us start with what I will call the rights found in the Bible or Spiritual rights. That is the true beginning. These are some that come to mind easily and should be readily acknowledged. There ..
With regard to the creation/evolution controversy; much of the discussion would be clearer if each spokesperson would carefully provide readers (and/or listeners) with specific definitions of terminol..
In 2 Corinthians 11:3 and 10:3-6, the second greatest sections of the New Testament dealing with spiritual warfare, not one word has anything to do with prayer. Each significant word used (speculation..