Creation / Evolution Debate
Creation / Evolution Debate
Recent findings as of March 2005
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Every month for years I have wanted to just report some of the current scientific findings that are being published by evolutionists and that would be of interest to us all. These findings illustrate ..
Richard Dawkins Creates to Disprove the Creator
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I read the following article singing accolades to Dr. Richard Dawkins, "the face of a new crusading atheism”, and immediately realized that one of his well-known attempts to disprove God's existence i..
Semantic Confusion
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With regard to the creation/evolution controversy; much of the discussion would be clearer if each spokesperson would carefully provide readers (and/or listeners) with specific definitions of terminol..
Spiritual Warfare: 50% Spiritual and 50% Mental
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In 2 Corinthians 11:3 and 10:3-6, the second greatest sections of the New Testament dealing with spiritual warfare, not one word has anything to do with prayer. Each significant word used (speculation..
Teaching “Natural Selection” In Government Schools Is Pure Deception!
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Evolutionists use the term “evolution” and apply it to everything in order to try to deceive people into believing in it. Students are being given one definition of the word evolution, such as “descen..
The Christian Faith is Sometimes Proven by Secular Sources!
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The word “apologist” essentially means “Defender of the Faith”. It may be used to describe anyone strongly defending their position on any controversial subject. CWM is an apologetic ministry committe..
The Declaration, Constitution and the Humanist Manifestos
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When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separat..
The Grave Dangers of the Sin of Selfishness
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The God who created us said: “You shall have no other gods before Me.” What happens when we worship “other gods”? What happens when we become our own idol? When we do not worship the One True God, our..
The life of Charles Darwin and whether he became a Christian
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Did Charles Darwin become a Christian on his deathbed? This story has been circulated in the Christian community for decades. But, is it true, or is it Christian mythology?
The Life of Ernst Haeckel
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In Europe Darwin influenced and discipled one man in particular, Prof. Ernst Heinrich Philipp August Haeckel (1834-1919). He became known as "Darwin's Bulldog on the Continent" and "the Huxley of Germ..