Creation Our Foundation Volume I (Audio Teachings Only) - Please, see the individual downloadable titles in the Digital Streaming Audio Section.
Tags: creation our foundation volume i - audio only, 124, middle school - adult
Tags: creation our foundation volume i - audio only, 124, middle school - adult
You may download all the titles from the Digital Streaming Audio page.
Here are the individual links to each of the four downloadable titles (simply click on the title):
1. Foundations
3. It's A Young Creation After All
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Four dynamic audio teachings which cover the basic concepts of why a belief in Creation is important; what happened scientifically during Noah's Flood; scientific facts that demonstrate a young earth/universe; and the documentary on Mt. St. Helens which provides profound evidence for catastrophe. These audios are filled with humor and insight. Titles: Foundations; The Waters Cleaved; It's A Young Creation After All; Mt. St. Helens. Recommended for: Middle School to Adult