Grady McMurtry

Debunking the Flat Earth Teaching
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I find it incomprehensible that anyone would believe that the Earth is flat. Yet in recent months people of good and bad intentions, including church members and pastors, have somehow or another been ..
Do Numbers Count?
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Numbers - we all use them everyday. We use them in so many different ways. All too often, we are mesmerized by them. Numbers, however, are like technology, they are neutral; they are neither good nor ..
Evolution is a Religion!
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The unsubstantiated, unfounded and unprovable theories of evolution are believed by ardent followers whose faith would make the faith of most Christians pale by comparison. Evolutionists believe in ev..
Fake News Yields Fake Science!
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We are all too familiar with the term Fake News. Sometimes it is hard to tell the difference at first, but facts are stubborn and immutable things. Therefore, news is often corrected, at least by hone..
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Researchers at Texas Tech University have been trying to trace the Flat Earth movement back to its roots and said YouTube seems to be the answer.
Fossils Do Not Prove Evolution, They Refute It!
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The fossil record doesn’t even provide any evidence in support of Darwinian theory except in the weak sense that the fossil record is compatible with it, just as it is compatible with other evolutiona..
Global Warming? Absolutely No Truth To It!
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I have been studying the Global Warming/Global Cooling controversy since the 1960s. Even when I was an evolutionist scientist and teacher, I knew that neither was true. I am completely convinced that ..
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God created all things including viruses. How can viruses be very good? This article explores the subject of viruses, both good and bad, and demonstrates that viruses are necessary for life to exist.
How a belief in evolution affects law and history
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People ask me constantly, "But, what part does evolutionary teaching have to do with the study of this or that subject?" For example, how does evolution affect art or music? Well, of course it does ha..
Human population and the age of the earth/universe
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I want to return to what I consider to be the single most important subject dealing with physical evidence, or the lack of it, and the creation-evolution debate. The topic deals specifically with time..