Grady McMurtry

'Peacekeeper' or 'Peacemaker?'
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One of the greatest problems in the Christian church is that we have men and women who want to be peacekeepers rather than peacemakers. The same is true in our secular society. There are those politic..
A Primer on the Scientific Reasons that Evolution is Wrong!
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Personally, I believe that we should teach evolution side-by-side with creation giving equal scientific emphasis and have our students learn to think critically. Let us show them both and allow them t..
Are aliens important to the Gospel?
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Is there life "out there?" Do alien life forms exist on other planets located in this solar system or on any of the "many other" solar systems that exist in our galaxy and universe? Are the hundreds o..
Bill Nye, The Un-Science Guy
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On rare occasions, I have written an exposé about a specific evolutionist such as Darwin, Huxley and Haeckel. I had avoided writing about men like Sir Richard Dawkins as he is still alive and has the ..
Biomimicry – God’s Designs and Man’s Imitations
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There is a burgeoning new field of science that gives us hope. It is the study of biomimicry. In biomimicry we see that Paul’s great statement in Romans, that the existence of the Designer is known to..
C. S. Lewis and creation
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For most of his life the author, C. S. Lewis, was a theistic evolutionist. Few people realize that later in life he became a staunch creationist.
Carbon-14 Dating Technique Does Not Work
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There are many false assumptions that must be made in order to derive Carbon-14 dates and the knowledge of these false assumptions demonstrates the uselessness of this supposedly useful method.
Concerning significance, value and purpose of human life
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If evolution is true then there is no purpose to human life. If evolution is true, then the result is that life is merely filled from the start with pain, suffering and death, nothing more. Man would ..
Cosmology, Cosmogony and Originology
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When we discuss science and the question of origins we use two words that are often misunderstood and therefore are often misused. These words are cosmology and cosmogony.
Creation ex nihilo
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An essential Christian doctrine is that of Creation ex nihilo, Latin for “creation out of nothing”. This doctrine stipulates that time, space, and matter are not eternal but had to be created by the d..