Grady McMurtry

People Living to be 900 Years Old?
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The Bible records that people used to live to a vast number of years of age as compared to the present day human life expectancy. The average age of the patriarchs from creation to the Flood, excludin..
Pilgrims and Their Experiment with Communism
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What most people do not remember, because it has been omitted from most American history textbooks, is that Marxism had been experimented with by Christians in America 250 years earlier and had been p..
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People often ask me if we have found any bones from Pre-Flood humans. I respond with, “Yes, we have!”
Recent findings as of March 2005
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Every month for years I have wanted to just report some of the current scientific findings that are being published by evolutionists and that would be of interest to us all. These findings illustrate ..
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Can short-lived biochemicals and soft tissue be found in reputedly millions of year old remains? Yes, they can!
Spiritual Warfare: 50% Spiritual and 50% Mental
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In 2 Corinthians 11:3 and 10:3-6, the second greatest sections of the New Testament dealing with spiritual warfare, not one word has anything to do with prayer. Each significant word used (speculation..
Teaching “Natural Selection” In Government Schools Is Pure Deception!
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Evolutionists use the term “evolution” and apply it to everything in order to try to deceive people into believing in it. Students are being given one definition of the word evolution, such as “descen..
The Acceptance Of A Young Creation Is Important!
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Why is the acceptance of a young creation, based upon the Bible’s account of creation about 6,000 years ago, so important to the Christian faith? Why should Christians care whether or not the earth an..
The Ark of Noah
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I would like to take some time and consider the physical and spiritual aspects of the Ark of Noah. Many people have said that it never existed, or that a ship of its description could never do the job..
The Benefits and Liabilities of Cloning
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An event which was heralded as one of the greatest achievements of the Twentieth Century concerned the cloning of the first mammal, a ewe named “Dolly.”