Grady McMurtry

The problem of circular reasoning in dating the rocks
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Evolutionists determine the age of the rock layers by the fossils that they contain, and then they turn around and determine the ages assigned to the fossils by the ages of the rock layers that they w..
The rapid formation of coal and oil
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A question that I am frequently asked during the course of our presentations is, “If the earth is only 6,000 years old, then how did the fossil fuels of coal and oil come into existence?” Hopefully, I..
The REAL Greatest Generation
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The Greatest Generation that this country has ever produced was the one alive at the time of The Founding Fathers. It was a predominantly Christian generation.
The Truth About 'Inherit the Wind'
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Every year various TV channels will air the play made into a film Inherit the Wind. Although it is presented as a fictionalized documentary-drama it is anything but that. It is a highly biased and lib..
The Wedding Rituals of the Old Testament and Christianity
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In order to understand the wedding ritual contained within the New Year celebration, Rosh Ha’Shanah, we must familiarize ourselves with the wedding customs of the Jews prior to Jesus’ time.
Too Good For God
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The fool’s denial of God comes at the expense of his own conscience and the evidence of God’s creation in all corners of the universe in which the fool exists.
What are Missions, and Who are Missionaries
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I have sensed for some time that even those people who support missionaries and believe in what they are doing, may not truly have a full vision of what a missionary is all about. Likewise, I have fou..
What do we know, and what do we not know
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Are there areas where science has made no progress? Scientists make all sorts of claims to know about the causes of things, like how plants make oxygen. But, at the foundational level, we really know ..
What is really in the fossil record
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Fully 75 to 80% of the earth's surface is covered by dried out, water deposited, sedimentary layers containing trillions of dead animals and plants which all drowned. This evidence may only be explain..
What is wrong with Deistic and Theistic evolution
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Today we have deists and theists proclaiming to the world that God exists because the evidence is overwhelming that there is a Designer God who made the universe and all the things in it. There is a p..