Elijah Bundin

Elijah Bundin

Biblical Genealogies and the Age of the Earth-Universe

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Claims are made that the Biblical genealogies cannot be used to determine the age of the Earth with any degree of certainty, since those genealogies contain gaps. Such claims are groundless. The Genea..


It Is Our Children They Are After!

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It is our children they are after in order to indoctrinate them into believing in atheistic Secular Humanism.


Richard Dawkins Creates to Disprove the Creator

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I read the following article singing accolades to Dr. Richard Dawkins, "the face of a new crusading atheism”, and immediately realized that one of his well-known attempts to disprove God's existence i..


The Foremost Commandment and The Early History of the Universe

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The purpose of this article is to help the servants of the Lord to see that the classical doctrines of a recent creation, the Fall and the global Flood of Noah are essential Christian doctrines. The a..


The Grave Dangers of the Sin of Selfishness

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The God who created us said: “You shall have no other gods before Me.” What happens when we worship “other gods”? What happens when we become our own idol? When we do not worship the One True God, our..

Showing 1 to 5 of 5 (1 Pages)