Nancey McMurtry
500 Years LATER
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Today as never before the Church needs to be unified to fight the war against secularism that has invaded the US, Europe and a good many other nations. It seems apparent that the Church with its many ..
Biblical Reasoning Regarding Illegal Immigration
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There exist wide variances within the Body of the Church as to how illegal immigration should be viewed and what response is necessary. This article is intended to try and find what God has revealed t..
Forgetting Joseph
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In the United States today, we have at least two generations the majority of which do not know this country’s Founding Fathers. In some school districts we have ceased to teach US history courses at ..
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I was sitting and thinking through the current situation concerning the church. I simply asked the question: why is the Church so devoid of truth and passion? Unbidden, the thought popped into my head..
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Opinions, opinions, opinions! We all have them. But what about our opinions, erroneous or otherwise? Why are we entitled to those? For those of us who live in the U. S., our opinions are guaranteed ..
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But let us start with what I will call the rights found in the Bible or Spiritual rights. That is the true beginning. These are some that come to mind easily and should be readily acknowledged. There ..
The Exercise of Religious Freedom
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The people of the US need to be educated as to what the Constitution actually says. My practical solution to doing this is to start small, but start. Whenever you hear an inaccurate statement of our r..
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Following that act of creation, the Bible is replete with scriptures telling us that God is light and that God dwells in the light. 1 John 1:5 says "This is the message we have heard from Him and dec..