Technical Articles
Technical Articles
Concepts of Art Expressed Through Scripture, Evangelism, and Practical Applications
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The need for a Christian worldview of art is great. Christian artists have to be able to answer questions like the following. How do I affect the world for Christ and not lose sight of Him? Do I even ..
Dating of the Val'kumei Coastal-Marine Placer (East Siberian Sea)
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This work is an attempt to determine the real time of formation of coastal-marine placers based on the modeling of placer-forming processes, present-day rates of lithodynamic processes, and recent par..
Open Theism as a Distinctive Worldview: Evidence and Consequences
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The purpose of this brief investigation of the theological movement popularly referred to as open theism is two-fold. First, there will be an attempt to lay a sufficient foundation for the claim that..
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Experiments on stratification discussed here have revealed the mechanical nature of lamination as well as the role of turbulent current as agent of stratification. They challenge Steno’s principle tha..
Reconstruction of Paleohydrodynamic Conditions during the Formation of Upper Jurassic Conglomerates of the Crimean Peninsula
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Paleohydrodynamic parameters and transportation mechanisms of debris were modeled with the help of different methods used in geoengineering computations. The calculations showed that the rocks under i..
Reconstruction of Paleolithodynamic Formation Conditions of Cambrian–Ordovician Sandstones in the Northwestern Russian Platform
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Analysis of the paleohydrodynamic characteristics of sedimentation environments allowed us to reconstruct formation conditions of the Cambrian–Ordovician sandstone sequence (COS) in the Leningrad dist..