The Evidence of Eocene Man
- Grady McMurtry
- April 04, 2020
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In another article we looked at the issue of human evolution and the obviously fraudulent presentation of Rhodesia Man as a pre-human. Rhodesia Man was a case of real evidence being misrepresented. Evolutionists are equally adept at doing the opposite. They hide real evidence rather than show it.
This is the deep dark secret story of the concealment of Eocene (Wo)Man. This incident shows the lack of intellectual honesty, scientific integrity and objectivity which evolutionists are so quick to claim that they have. Indeed, it is absolute dishonesty.
This is only one example of the plentiful evidence of mans existence, prior to his supposed evolution, as found in the fossil record. Many human artifacts have been found which are entirely out of place according to evolutionary beliefs. I frequently show many such artifacts during the presentations on The Dinosaurs, The Fossil Record and The Bible; What is Really in the Ground?; and, Why I Believe in a Young Creation!
In the warehouses of the British Museum of Natural History there is a two-ton slab of limestone which was quarried from the Grande Terre deposits on the Caribbean island of Guadeloupe, in 1812. The rock is dated by evolutionists as being Eocene. The slab clearly contains the skeletal remains of a female human being who died a violent death. She would have stood about 5 feet 2 inches high.
The limestone is harder than statuary marble, and it enveloped the body while the sediment was still in a liquid state, prior to hardening into rock. The body was buried suddenly and catastrophically based upon the position of the bones. The organic material in the rock proves that the body had not decayed prior to burial. Using evolutionary time scales this human skeleton would be dated as about 40 to 50 million years old! This would be many millions of years earlier than any supposed findings of pre-humans in East Central Africa. (This is an example of the evolutionist's right hand not knowing what their left hand is doing.)
This evidence was not hidden at first. During the early nineteenth century it was openly displayed in England as a scientific curiosity and many other such remains were claimed to have been found on the Island of Guadeloupe. As Darwinism became established in academic circles, the specimen was quietly removed to the basement of the Museum where its last public viewing was in the 1960s. (The last geological survey of the Island that mentions the presence of human remains in these Eocene deposits is that of Spencer in 1901.)
The skeletal remains show clear evidence of high impact damage at the time of burial. This would be consistent with death caused by, for example, tidal wave action rather than being hit by a hard object. Could this be a woman who died during a worldwide flood with its subsequent massive tidal waves? Does the limestone coffin speak to us of rapid burial in sediments caused by a worldwide Flood? Does this evidence indicate that the entire fossil record covering the Earth, which is a record of many dried out mud layers deposited one upon the other, formed rapidly?
Is it any wonder that this physical evidence is hidden away in the basement of a government building just like the Ark of the Covenant at the end of the movie Indiana Jones and the Search for the Lost Ark? If it were brought out into the public eye once again, would it not raise questions which the evolutionists do not want to have to answer?